Many people who have trouble keeping up with bills look forward to payday. Once your work deposits your paycheck, you don’t have to worry about your debit card getting declined because you know you have money in your account. But some people get paid and then learn they have much less in their accounts than[…]
Everyone in the U.S. is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s already plenty to be worried about, like staying home, wearing masks, and making sure our kids are learning and staying safe. On top of all of that, millions of households are having money problems from lost jobs, fewer shifts or hours at[…]
About 6.2 million Americans were out of work in February 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States and the economy shut down, unemployment rates soared, and at least 20.5 million people were out of work. Some people were temporarily furloughed, while others lost their jobs permanently. Many business owners watched as their companies[…]